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Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

Read all sorts of crap.

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Robin Hobb: Assassin's Apprentice Assassin's Apprentice (1996)

Assassin's Apprentice is a fantasy novel by American writer Robin Hobb, the first book in …

My brother always suggests good ones

My brother threw this at me, saying I'd been reading too much nonfiction and needed to diversify. He was right.

Its the sort of book that takes a while to get going, but you need to set up all the pins before you knock them down. Honestly a fantastic read overall, a deeply mystifying magical political drama with characters you just can't help but relate to.

Peter Singer: Animal Liberation (1976, Penguin Random House, Jonathan Cape)

This would have turned me vegan if I wasn't already

Its a difficult read. Learning about how unnecessarily cruel we are to animals in farming and experimentation. Unnecessary may seem like a loaded term, but this book adequately explores why modern farming methods are grossly wasteful in both resources and land. It explores the sadistic world of animal experimentation, all the while wanting you to know what they are capable of feeling.

Its heart wrenching, but a necessary read in the modern day. Per the title, I'm already vegan because of "This is Vegan Propaganda" by Ed Winters, but I think if I had read this first it would have done the same.