mahdi reviewed Muž ve tmě by Paul Auster
3 stars
hmm, jako prvni pulka a prolinani dvou linii me hodne zaujalo, ale pak to slo bohuzel ctivosti dost dolu ...
Hardcover, 168 pages
Czech language
Published April 11, 2009 by Prostor.
V nejnovějším románu se Paul Auster představuje v takové podobě, na jakou jsme u něj zvyklí – jako výborný vypravěč příběhů, který využívá postupy a prvky pokleslých žánrů. Autor pracuje s motivy detektivního, špionážního, sci-fi , válečného a milostného románu, přičemž příběhy často vkládá do sebe a zároveň nenásilně rozvíjí úvahy o povaze reality a lidských dějin.
hmm, jako prvni pulka a prolinani dvou linii me hodne zaujalo, ale pak to slo bohuzel ctivosti dost dolu ...
It might very well grow into a four-star once I've digested it. Two-thirds through I was pretty much ready to write it off as something wanting to be a Vonnegut piece but without the sting. The story (stories) seemed to lack purpose and an old mans ramblings seemed like just that, an old mans rambling. However in the final third it kind of came together and I caught on to something that might be summed up by the following quote:
Why is life so horrible, Grandpa?
Because it is, that's all. It just is
So it goes.
It might very well grow into a four-star once I've digested it. Two-thirds through I was pretty much ready to write it off as something wanting to be a Vonnegut piece but without the sting. The story (stories) seemed to lack purpose and an old mans ramblings seemed like just that, an old mans rambling. However in the final third it kind of came together and I caught on to something that might be summed up by the following quote:
Why is life so horrible, Grandpa?
Because it is, that's all. It just is