Ted Chiang

Author details

特德·姜, 姜峯楠
Oct. 17, 1967

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Ted Chiang (born 1967) is an American science fiction writer. His work has won four Nebula awards, four Hugo awards, the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, and four Locus awards. His short story Story of Your Life was the basis of the film Arrival (2016). He is also an artist in residence at the University of Notre Dame.

特德·姜1967年出生于美国纽约市杰斐逊镇,毕业于布朗大学计算机科学系,是美国当代最优秀的华裔科幻作家。 特德·蒋的作品不多,自1990年发表处女作《巴比伦塔》至今,总共发表的作品只有八篇,且都是短篇或中篇。尽管如此,他在美国科幻界却享有很高的声誉。个中原因很简单:他的作品虽少,却几乎篇篇称得上精品。八篇小说让他捧回了包括雨果奖、星云奖、斯特金奖、坎贝尔奖在内的所有科幻大奖的奖杯。

Books by Ted Chiang

Ted Chiang: Exhalation (Paperback, 2019, Yilin Press)

