Kafka On The Shore

English language

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Kafka on the Shore (海辺のカフカ, Umibe no Kafuka) is a 2002 novel by Japanese author Haruki Murakami. Its 2005 English translation was among "The 10 Best Books of 2005" from The New York Times and received the World Fantasy Award for 2006. The book tells the stories of the young Kafka Tamura, a bookish 15-year-old boy who runs away from his Oedipal curse, and Satoru Nakata, an old, disabled man with the uncanny ability to talk to cats. The book incorporates themes of music as a communicative conduit, metaphysics, dreams, fate, the subconscious. After the release of the book, Murakami allowed for questions about the novel to be sent in, and responded to many of them. The novel was generally well-received, with positive reviews from John Updike and the New York Times.

15 editions


Después de haber dejado pasar varios días desde que lo terminé, me siento con ánimo para reseñarlo. Me ha encantado, una obra muy simbólica que te deja huella. Muy bien escrito, 700 páginas que en ningún momento se hace tediosa. Unos personajes complejos de los que Murakami nos deja con ganas de saber más y una historia que trata aspectos personalísimos de la vida. Parece que no es la obra más representativa del autor, al que seguiré leyendo tras los buenos momentos que he pasado.