gwenprime reviewed Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov (Foundation, #2)
Not as good as the first
3 stars
It's a fun book but it's not as good as the first one. Worth a read if you really like the setting but that's kinda it.
French language
Published Feb. 21, 2009 by Éditions Gallimard.
Foundation and Empire is a science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov originally published by Gnome Press in 1952. It is the second book in the Foundation Series, and the fourth in the in-universe chronology. It takes place in two parts, originally published as separate novellas. The second part, "The Mule," won a Retro Hugo Award in 1996. Foundation and Empire saw multiple publications—it also appeared in 1955 as Ace Double (but not actually paired with another book) D-125 under the title The Man Who Upset the Universe. The stories comprising this volume were originally published in Astounding Magazine (with different titles) in 1945. Foundation and Empire was the second book in the Foundation trilogy. Decades later, Asimov wrote two further sequel novels and two prequels. Later writers have added authorized, and unauthorized, tales to the series.
It's a fun book but it's not as good as the first one. Worth a read if you really like the setting but that's kinda it.