
French language

Published Feb. 21, 1988 by Presses Pocket.

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'Salem's Lot is a 1975 horror novel by American author Stephen King. It was his second published novel. The story involves a writer named Ben Mears who returns to the town of Jerusalem's Lot (or 'Salem's Lot for short) in Maine, where he lived from the age of five through nine, only to discover that the residents are becoming vampires. The town is revisited in the short stories "Jerusalem's Lot" and "One for the Road", both from King's story collection Night Shift (1978). The novel was nominated for the World Fantasy Award in 1976 and the Locus Award for the All-Time Best Fantasy Novel in 1987.In two separate interviews in the 1980s, King said that, of all his books, 'Salem's Lot was his favorite. In his June 1983 Playboy interview, the interviewer mentioned that because it was his favorite, King was planning a sequel, but King has said on his …

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Gustatu zait, irakurri ditudan ia guztiak bezala. Gainera, honek amaiera ona du eta Stephen Kingen jarraitzaileok ondo baino hobeto dakigunez, oso amaiera eskaseko liburu zoragarriak idazteko gaitasun itzela dauka. Banpiroen gaiari buelta polita ematen dio 70. hamarkadako Estatu Batuetan kokatuz. Gauza batzuk (batez ere bat) sinesgaitzegiak dira, baita banpiroak existitu izanaren premisa onartzen duen irakurlearentzat ere, eta horregatik kentzen diot izar-erdia.

Stephen Kingen liburu garaikideagoak irakurri badituzu, egilearen nortasun zigilua izango dena aurkituko duzu liburu honetan lehen aldiz landuta: komunitate lasai bat hartzea eta txikitzea. Eta, egia esan, egiten dakien hori oso ondo egiten daki.

Nabarmentzekoa da bigarren mailako pertsonaien lanketa Carrie liburuan (bere lehen liburua izan zen) baino dezente hobea dela.

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